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Complete package for cleaning service providers

Our complete package makes it easy for you to get started with mobile dry ice cleaning.

The package to get-started-immediately contains everything you need to work efficiently: Dry ice blasting device, hose package, blasting gun, blasting pipe, nozzle and an appropriate mobile compressor (with water separator, particle filter and reheater). The package can be supplemented with various accessories, e.g. an abrasive set.

Extensive instruction in the use of our devices is just as natural for us as the convenient after-sales service.

Our years of experience have shown that no cleaning task is unsolvable. Together we will find a solution tailored to the needs of your customers.

We can also make you an attractive leasing offer through our leasing partner abcfinance.

Any further questions? You can find more information about our dry ice blasters and possible areas of application as well as the contact details of our specialists here.

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